Recipe Of Roast Wild Duck


Fried wild duck, especially sapphire-green, stuffed with rosemary, onion, apple, clove, with a Sauce based on drops, dry Sherry and cream. Did you know that you can catch wild ducks in this country only if

Sous Vide Korean BBQ Chicken


This Korean Sous vide BBQ chicken is the best of both worlds: sous vide means perfectly cooked chicken; grilling means crispy skin and toasted flavor. So good! There is one cooking technique that I have

Process of Baked Bluefish


Baked blue fish fillets with lemon, white plonk, butter and herbs. The first time I met Bluefish was in my friend Jill’s kitchen in Massachusetts. His famous unshakable son, John, was practically out of it

Stuffed Pork Chops With Kielbasa and Sauerkraut


If only one technology company has refined web traffic in mind, it’s Mailchimp. Since its launch as a parallel project in the early 2000s, the marketing department has crossed the line between creative experiments and