Process of Baked Bluefish


Baked blue fish fillets with lemon, white plonk, butter and herbs.

The first time I met Bluefish was in my friend Jill’s kitchen in Massachusetts. His famous unshakable son, John, was practically out of it waiting to dive into one of the Nets prepared by his mother.

I had never heard of blue fish that are really blue both outside and inside.

They are an East coast fish, we don’t have them on the west coast. Their season is short and they spoil very quickly, so you need to get them fresh and eat them immediately. Blue fish are considered sport fishing fish because they are so aggressive.

Oddly enough, Fish is not so popular to eat. Maybe because it’s great when it’s good, and when it’s over, it’s really great.

So if you like canned tuna, sardines and mackerel, you’ve come to the right place at Bluefish. Otherwise, stick to cod or sole.

For this preparation of blue fish we cooked it in foil with lemon, butter, herbs and a little white plonk. Lemon is especially important for reducing fish fat.

Bluefish is also excellent grilled or smoked.

Do You Like Bluefish? How do you prepare it?


  • 1 (1/2-to 1 Pound) blue fish fillet
  • Kosher Salt
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • 3 to 5 Very thin slices of Fresh lemon
  • 3 pats of butter (about 1 teaspoon each)
  • Several sprigs Of fresh herbs such as Tarragon, thyme, fennel and /or persil (or 1 teaspoon Of dried herbs such as Italian seasoning or Herbes de Provence)
  • 3 tablespoons of dry white plonk
  • 2 Tablespoons Lemon Juice


Preheat the oven to 350°F.

Place the Fillet from the skin side down in the pan covered with aluminum foil:
Cut a piece of foil large enough to include the blue fish fillet. (You can double the sheet if you work with a thin sheet). Insert the foil into a frying pan. Rinse the blue fish fillet and place it face down in the center of the sheet.

Salt, pepper, lemon slices, butter, add herbs:

Sprinkle the Fillet with salt and pepper. Place a layer of thin slices of lemon on the Fillet. Arrange the pieces of butter on top of the Fillet. Place several sprigs of fresh herbs on the butter and lemon slices.

Add white plonk and lemon juice, seal the foil.:

Create a boat shape with the film around the fish so that there is no leakage of liquid. Pour white plonk over the fish and sprinkle with lemon juice. Crimp the edges of the sheet so that they are relatively dense.


Place in the oven at 350°F (or you can place the foil package on the grill) and bake for about 15 to 20 minutes until the fish is well cooked and opaque.


Gently lift the Fillet off the foil and place on a serving dish. Pour the cooking liquid over the fish to serve.

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